I am a student in the joint collaborative Bachelor of Information Technology - Information Resource Management program at Carleton University and Algonquin College.
Programming Languages and Technical Skills
- Programming: C/C++, Python, Arduino, Data Visualization, Visual Basic 6
- Data Science: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
- Web: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Data Exchange Formats: XML, JSON
- Server-Side Scripting: PHP7
- Software Development Lifecycle: Mantis Bug Tracker, Gantt Chart, Project Management
- Design: Research Methodology, User-Centred Design, Human-Computer Interaction
- Databases: MySQL, phpMyAdmin
- Libraries and Frameworks: jQuery, Bootstrap, TensorFlow, Beautiful Soup, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Keras, PyTorch, Openpyxl
- Data Visualization: PowerBI, D3.js, Vega-Lite, Tableau
- Paradigms: Procedural, Object-Oriented Design
- Statistical Software Package: SPSS
- Computer Software: AutoCAD, ArcGIS (QGIS, ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, Google Earth), SketchUp, Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), MS Office Suite (Excel, SharePoint, Power BI, Visio, Docs, PPT, Project)
- Metadata Standards/Cataloguing: Dublin Core, MODS, MARC21, Mesh, Fast, DDC, LCC, Sears, LCSH
- Library Science: Information Management, Cataloguing, Reference and Information Services, Classification, Reader's Advisory Services
Communication Skills
- Communicated well as an advanced English and intermediate French speaker being able to give a presentation in French on a UN Nobel Prize winner
- Collaborated with team members on a web development project by attending meetings and emailing team members which helped develop effective communication skills to stay on track
- Researched a topic and successfully summarized findings in a report on users and mobile services in post-secondary academic libraries with classmates on a group conference poster
- Written and translated academic journal document from French to English and vice-versa using online translation tools and translation techniques